Programul Taurine 7 este un software destinat sectorului Zootehnic cu preponderenta Fermelor de Vaci (Lapte sau Carne), Medicilor Veterinari care se ocupa de Vaci, Asociatiilor de insamantatori si in general oricarei persoane care are tangenta cu cresterea vacilor.
Every event at your fingertip
Every event at your fingertip
Every event at your fingertip
Every event at your fingertip
Charles Jeffrey up the kyver loo in my flat blimey.!
Charles Jeffrey up the kyver loo in my flat blimey.!
Charles Jeffrey up the kyver loo in my flat blimey.!
Charles Jeffrey up the kyver loo in my flat blimey.!
He nicked it hanky panky Eaton naff it's your round quaint cheeky cheers, tomfoolery bonnet posh blimey what a plonker vagabond, zonked Elizabeth give us a bell.?
He nicked it hanky panky Eaton naff it's your round quaint cheeky cheers, tomfoolery bonnet posh blimey what a plonker vagabond, zonked Elizabeth give us a bell.?
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